EVB-USB5744, Evaluation Board for USB5744 USB 3.1 Gen1 Controller Hub

参考设计 属于: Microchip Technology

EVB-USB5744, Evaluation Board for USB5744 USB 3.1 Gen1 Controller Hub

EVB-USB5744, Demonstration and Evaluation Platform that provides the necessary requirements and interface options for evaluating the USB5744 Smart Hub on a 4-layer RoHS-compliant Printed Circuit Board. This will allow the user to gain an understanding of the product and accelerate the integration of the EVB-USB5744 into the user's design. The EVB-USB5744 is compliant with the USB 3.1 Gen 1 USB Specification and supports Super-Speed (SS), High-Speed (HS), Full-Speed (FS) and Low-Speed (LS) USB signaling for complete coverage of all defined USB operation speeds. The evaluation platform supports four down-stream ports that are USB 2.0 and USB 3.1 Gen 1 compliant. The EVB-USB5734 is also designed for flexible configuration solutions