IRMD2336DJ, 3-Phase Gate Driver Reference Design Kit based on IRS2336DJ
การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Infineon Technologies AG
IRMD2336DJ, Reference Design Kit for IRS2336DJ 3-phase gate driver IC with integrated bootstrap functionality. design kit includes a complete drive system board with an input rectifier, control power supplies, digital motor control IC and power inverter. Safety features include protections against motor line-to-line and line-to-DC Bus short situations. power stage features IRS2336DJ gate driver and six discrete IGBT power switches allowing for easy customization. included PC based GUI software allows user to drive an Induction Motor in open-loop Volts-per-Hertz mode of operation using on-board digital control IC. motor speed and system parameters such as PWM frequency and dead time can be modified using GUI