BB-BONE-WIFI-03, BeagleBone TiWi-5E w/ Chip Antenna, an add-on board for the BeagleBone

参考設計 著者: CircuitCo

BB-BONE-WIFI-03, BeagleBone TiWi-5E w/ Chip Antenna, an add-on board for the BeagleBone

BB-BONE-WIFI-03, BeagleBone TiWi-5E Cape w/ Chip Antenna is an add-on board that provides Wi-Fi capability for the BeagleBone. This cape is equipped with LSR TiWi-5E module that is capable of providing high performance 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n. The TiWi-5E chip use on this cape is based on the WL1273L chipset. This cape has on-board antenna