BB-BONE-SERL-03, BeagleBone RS232 Cape, an add-on board for the BeagleBone

参考設計 著者: CircuitCo

BB-BONE-SERL-03, BeagleBone RS232 Cape, an add-on board for the BeagleBone

BB-BONE-SERL-03, BeagleBone RS232 Cape provides an RS232 interface to the BeagleBone via a standard D-Sub 9 female serial connector. This connector is located to the side so it doesn't interfere with any capes stacked above it. By default, the BeagleBone RS232 Cape uses UART2 port on the Sitara AM335x for RS232 connection, however, users will have the freedom to choose among UART1, UART2, UART4 and UART5 ports