ADK-8400, Evaluation Board for HI-8400 Isolated Discrete Sensor with ±800V Isolation

Progetto di riferimento di: Holt Integrated Circuits

ADK-8400, Evaluation Board for HI-8400 Isolated Discrete Sensor with ±800V Isolation

ADK-8400, Evaluation Board allows the customer to evaluate the features of the galvanically isolated HI-8400 four channel discrete sensor IC. Each input has full isolation from the digital domain and from the other sensor inputs. The HI-8400 logic is powered from a single 3.3V ±5% or 5V ±5% supply voltage. The isolated analog sensor input is supplied from a 16 to 36V DC supply. Each input channel can be individually configured as a GND/Open or Supply/Open Sensor type using hardware pins. Sensor thresholds are internally set at Airbus ABD0100H levels, an SPI port is used to read sensor data. A second board is also included to allow users to evaluate the daisy chain feature