ADK-3717, Evaluation Board based on HI-3717A ARINC 717 Protocol Ics

Progetto di riferimento di: Holt Integrated Circuits

ADK-3717, Evaluation Board based on HI-3717A ARINC 717 Protocol Ics

ADK-3717, Evaluation Board demonstrates most of the features of the HI-3717A ARINC 717 Protocol ICs. ARINC 717 is a communication protocol used between the Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit (DFDAU) and the Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR) used on most commercial aircraft. The HI-3717A requires a single 3.3V power input. It features an on-chip DC-DC converter which generates both +5V and -5V to supply the bipolar differential voltage levels needed to meet the ARINC 717 Bipolar Return-to-Zero (BPRZ) Bus levels. The MC9S12XDT512 microcontroller communicates with the HI-3717A through the SPI interface. The main General Purpose SPI Evaluation Board includes switches and LEDs to navigate the operating modes and confirm data and status information