BB-BONE-BATT-01, BeagleBone Battery Cape using 4 Lithium AA battery cells to provide a portable power solution for BeagleBone boards and its capes

Conception de référence par: CircuitCo

BB-BONE-BATT-01, BeagleBone Battery Cape using 4 Lithium AA battery cells to provide a portable power solution for BeagleBone boards and its capes

BB-BONE-BATT-01, BeagleBone Battery Cape provides a portable power solution for BeagleBone boards. This cape provides 5V power supply to the BeagleBone using everyday AA battery cells. The Battery cape can be used with up to 4 battery cells, which boosts the BeagleBone working time even longer. The BeagleBone Battery cape is also equipped with a power button, power indicator LED, and EEPROM for muxing configuration