UMFT231XC-01, Development Module for UMFT231XC USB to UART with Battery Charger Support

参考设计 属于: Future Technology Devices International Limited

UMFT231XC-01, Development Module for UMFT231XC USB to UART with Battery Charger Support

UMFT231XC-01, Development Module designed primarily for evaluating the battery charging feature of UMFT231XC X-Chip range of USB-interface bridging ICs. This module is suitable for charging single cell lithium-ion batteries. The UMFT231XC utilizes an FT231XS and a battery charging IC. The FT231XS is one of the devices range of USB interface bridging IC devices. The FT231X is a USB to UART interface with a battery charger detection feature, which can allow batteries to be charged with a higher current from a dedicated charger port (without the FT231X being enumerated)