TIDA-00779, 230V, 3.5kw, High Efficiency, Cost Competitive Single Phase Reference Design Using Power Factor Regulator Converter (PFC)

参考设计 属于: Texas Instruments

TIDA-00779, 230V, 3.5kw, High Efficiency, Cost Competitive Single Phase Reference Design Using Power Factor Regulator Converter (PFC)

TIDA-00779, 230V, 3.5kw, High Efficiency, Cost Competitive Single Phase Reference Design Using Power Factor Regulator Converter. The TIDA-00779 is a cost competitive power factor regulator converter designed for room air-conditioner and other major appliances. This reference design is a continuous-conduction-mode (CCM) boost converter implemented using UCC28180 PFC controller provided with all of the necessary built-in protections. The hardware is designed and tested to pass surge, and EFT testing as per the IEC61000 requirements for household appliances



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