PMP4017, 85VAC - 265VAC Input, 5W +/-15V and 5V Quasi-Resonant Flyback

参考设计 属于: Texas Instruments

PMP4017, 85VAC - 265VAC Input, 5W +/-15V and 5V Quasi-Resonant Flyback

PMP4017, 85VAC - 265VAC Input, 5W +/-15V and 5V Quasi-Resonant Flyback. Reference design uses the UCC28600 quasi-resonant flyback controller to generate a three outputs from a universal AC input source. The outputs provided are +15V/50mA, -15V/125mA, and 5V/350mA. The 5V output is regulated. The +/-15V outputs are generated from auxiliary windings on the power transformer and remain within 12% of their nominal voltages across all loading conditions