PMP2960.2, Isolated Flyback, Sync Buck for Power over Ethernet (5V @ 15mA)
参考设计 属于: Texas Instruments

参考设计 属于: Texas Instruments
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersTL331IDBV
Linear ComparatorsTL331IDBVR
Linear ComparatorsTL331IDBVT
Linear ComparatorsTPS2377D-1
Power Over Ethernet - PoE ControllersUCC2809D-2
PWM and Resonant ControllersTPS40041DRB
DC to DC ControllersTPS62410DRC
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipTL331IDBVRE4
Linear ComparatorsTL331IDBVRG4
Linear ComparatorsTL331IDBVRQ1
Linear ComparatorsTL331IDBVTE4
Linear ComparatorsTL331IDBVTG4
Linear ComparatorsTLV431AIDBVR
Voltage ReferencesTPS2377D-1G4
Power Over Ethernet - PoE ControllersTPS40041DRBR
DC to DC ControllersTPS40041DRBT
DC to DC ControllersTPS62410DRCR
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipTPS62410DRCT
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipTPS3803-01DCK
Supervisory CircuitsTLV431AIDBVRG4
Voltage ReferencesTPS3803-01DCKR
Supervisory CircuitsTPS40041DRBRG4
DC to DC ControllersTPS40041DRBTG4
DC to DC ControllersTPS62410DRCRG4
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipTPS3803-01DCKRG4
Supervisory Circuits