NuTiny-SDK-NUC140, Development Tool for NuMicro NUC140 series. Users can use NuTiny-SDKNUC140 to develop and verify the application program easily. NuTiny-SDK-NUC140 includes two portions. One is NuTiny-EVB-NUC140 and the other is Nu-Link-Me. NuTiny-EVBNUC140 is the evaluation board and Nu-Link-Me is its Debug Adaptor. Controller-Area-Network (CAN)-Bus system enables device communication in harsh environments, found in industrial automation, military and automotive applications. As a multi-master system, each device (node) can obtain bus access through its unique priority code (address) and broadcasts messages to all bus participants simultaneously. The Nuvoton NuMicro Family NUC140 series chips had offered the robustness of the CAN architecture which is licensed from Bosch