Microprocessor Power Supervisory for Portable Consumer Electronics
参考设计 属于: Texas Instruments
Design Digital Signal Processor Into a System Using a Nominal Input Voltage of 12 V
参考设计 属于: Texas Instruments
Linear RegulatorsLM317DCYR
Linear RegulatorsLM317DCYG3
Linear RegulatorsUCD7230RGW
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD9240RGC
DC to DC ControllersLM317DCYRG3
Linear RegulatorsTMP300AIDCK
Temperature and Humidity SensorsTPS74401RGW
Linear RegulatorsUCD7230RGWR
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD7230RGWT
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD9240RGCR
DC to DC ControllersUCD9240RGCT
DC to DC ControllersINA194AIDBVR
Special Purpose AmplifiersSN74LV4051AD
Analog Switch MultiplexersTMP300AIDCKR
Temperature and Humidity SensorsTMP300AIDCKT
Temperature and Humidity SensorsTPS51200DRCR
Special Purpose Voltage RegulatorsTPS51200DRCT
Special Purpose Voltage RegulatorsTPS74401RGWR
Linear RegulatorsTPS74401RGWT
Linear RegulatorsSN74LV4051ADB
Analog Switch MultiplexersSN74LV4051ADR
Analog Switch MultiplexersSN74LV4051ADW
Analog Switch MultiplexersUCD9240RGCTG4
DC to DC ControllersSN74LV4051ADBR
Analog Switch MultiplexersSN74LV4051ADE4
Analog Switch MultiplexersSN74LV4051ADGV
Analog Switch MultiplexersSN74LV4051ADWR
Analog Switch Multiplexers1P1G3157QDBVRQ1
Analog Switch MultiplexersSN74LV4051ADBG4
Analog Switch MultiplexersSN74LV4051ADGVR
Analog Switch MultiplexersSN74LV4051ADRE4
Analog Switch MultiplexersSN74LV4051ADRG4
Analog Switch MultiplexersSN74LV4051ADBRE4
Analog Switch MultiplexersSN74LV4051ADGVRE4
Analog Switch MultiplexersSN74LV4051ADGVRG4
Analog Switch Multiplexers