Typical Application for MIC94345-4YCS 1.2V Output Voltage, 500mA LDO with Ripple Blocker Technology

Conception de référence par: Microchip Technology

Typical Application for MIC94345-4YCS 1.2V Output Voltage, 500mA LDO with Ripple Blocker Technology

Typical Application for MIC94345-4YCS 1.2V Output Voltage, 500mA LDO with Ripple Blocker Technology. The MIC943x5 Ripple Blocker is a monolithic integrated circuit that provides low-frequency ripple attenuation (switching noise rejection) to a regulated output voltage. This is important for applications where a DC/DC switching converter is required to lower or raise a battery voltage but where switching noise cannot be tolerated by sensitive downstream circuits such as in RF applications