STEVAL-BCNKT01V1, BlueCoin Starter Kit integrated Development and Prototyping platform for Augmented Acoustic, Motion Sensing for IoT Applications

Conception de référence par: STMicroelectronics

STEVAL-BCNKT01V1, BlueCoin Starter Kit integrated Development and Prototyping platform for Augmented Acoustic, Motion Sensing for IoT Applications

STEVAL-BCNKT01V1, BlueCoin Starter Kit integrated development and prototyping platform for augmented acoustic and motion sensing for IoT Applications builds on the listening and balancing capabilities of the human ear. With the expanded capabilities of its starter kit, BlueCoin lets you explore advanced sensor fusion and signal processing functions for robotics and automation applications with a 4 digital MEMS microphone array, a high performance 9-axis inertial and environmental sensor unit and time-of-flight ranging sensors. A high-performance STM32F446 180 MHz MCU enables real-time implementation of the very advanced sensor fusion algorithms like adaptive beamforming and sound source localization, with ready-to-use, royalty-free building blocks. The BlueCoin can connect via the on-board BLE link to any IoT and smart industry wireless sensor network