STEVAL-ILL024V1 and STEVAL-ILL025V1 Demonstration Boards based on the STP16DP05 LED Matrix Driver and STM32F103VB MCU

Referenzdesign von: STMicroelectronics

STEVAL-ILL024V1 and STEVAL-ILL025V1 Demonstration Boards based on the STP16DP05 LED Matrix Driver and STM32F103VB MCU

UM0767, describes the operation of the STM32F103VB-based LED matrix display demonstration board. This board demonstrates the capability of the STP16DP05 LED driver to drive the matrix LED panel. The complete system includes one master board, one slave board and LED matrix display panels. The master and slave boards are STM32F103VB microcontroller-based control units which are used for configuring the display settings for the STP16DP05 display driver. This unit has a GPS module interfaced through a USART port. The GPS data can be displayed with information on latitude and longitude and also a real-time clock. The display can be configured for any of the nine different display modes and nine different speeds using a PS2 keyboard. Display panels can also be configured through the HyperTerminal using the serial interface present on the control units