TPS23851EVM-001, Evaluation Module for TPS23851 High Power, Wide Voltage Range Quad Port Ethernet PSE Manager
参考設計 著者: Texas Instruments

参考設計 著者: Texas Instruments
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersISO7241ADW
Digital IsolatorsTL431IDBZR
Voltage ReferencesUCC2809D-2
PWM and Resonant ControllersUCC3809P-2
PWM and Resonant ControllersTPS23851DCE
Power Over Ethernet - PoE ControllersTPS40210DGQ
DC to DC Controllers24LC64F-I/SN
Digital IsolatorsPC3H7CJ0000F
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersSN74LVC07APW
Buffers and Line DriversTLV431ACDBVR
Voltage ReferencesSN74LVC08APWR
Logic GatesTPS3836K33DBVR
Supervisory CircuitsTPS3836K33DBVT
Supervisory CircuitsSN74LVC2G07DCKR
Buffers and Line DriversTPS3836K33DBVTG
Supervisory CircuitsTPS3836K33DBVRG4
Supervisory CircuitsTPS3836K33DBVRQ1
Supervisory Circuits