ARD00385, MCP3911 and PIC18F85K90 Single-Phase Anti-Tamper Energy Meter

Справочный проект от: Microchip Technology

ARD00385, MCP3911 and PIC18F85K90 Single-Phase Anti-Tamper Energy Meter

ARD00385, MCP3911 and PIC18F85K90 Single-Phase Anti-Tamper Energy Meter. The MCP3911 and PIC18F85K90 Single-Phase Anti-Tamper Energy Meter is a fully functional single-phase meter with enhanced capabilities, such as battery backup, RTC and anti-tamper features. The two current channels are measured with the MCP3911 device and the voltage channel is measured with the 12-bit SAR ADC integrated in the microcontroller. This design has two sensors for the current measurements: a current transformer and a shunt. The PIC18F85K90 microcontroller directly drives the LCD and communicates via UART with the MCP2200, offering an isolated USB connection for meter calibration and access to the device power calculations. The system calculates active and reactive energy, active, reactive and apparent power, power factor, RMS current, RMS voltage and the line frequency