TMS320C54x, Interfacing the A/D Converters TLC5540/10 to the DSKplus DSP Starter Evaluation Kit

参考設計 著者: Texas Instruments

TMS320C54x, Interfacing the A/D Converters TLC5540/10 to the DSKplus DSP Starter Evaluation Kit

TMS320C54x, Interfacing the A/D Converters TLC5540/10 to the DSKplus DSP Starter Evaluation Kit. It describes the construction of a test circuit using the A/D converters TLC5540 and TLC5510, and alternative ways of interfacing these converters to the DSKplus DSP starter kit TMS320C54x. Details are given of the test circuit of the TLC5540/10 and of the interface, and the programming of the digital signal processor TMS320C54x is also described