MIKROE-3060, MCP2518FD Click Board based on MCP2518FD CAN FD Controller with SPI Interface

Projeto de referência por: MikroElektronika

MIKROE-3060, MCP2518FD Click Board based on MCP2518FD CAN FD Controller with SPI Interface

MIKROE-3060, MCP2518FD Click Board is a complete CAN solution, which can be used as a control node in a CAN network. The Click board is used to provide the microcontroller (MCU) with unrestricted access to the CAN network bus. MCP2518FD click is equipped with both the control logic and the physical interface ICs. MCP2518FD click provides a reliable high-speed CAN interface to the MCU, providing multiple operating modes (CAN 2.0, CAN FD, Listen Only mode, Sleep and Low Power mode...), CAN bit stream processing (decoding and encoding of the CAN messages, error handling...), TX prioritizing, RX filtering, FIFO buffer, interrupt engine and more