SLUU467, 90W, 19.2 to 19.8V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply for Notebook
参考設計 著者: Texas Instruments

参考設計 著者: Texas Instruments
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersUCC24610D
Gate and Power DriversUCC25600D
PWM and Resonant ControllersH11AV1AMNL
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersUCC24610DR
Gate and Power DriversUCC25600DR
PWM and Resonant ControllersTL431AIDBVR
Voltage ReferencesTL431AIDBVT
Voltage ReferencesUCC24610DRB
Gate and Power DriversTPS71550DCKR
Linear RegulatorsUCC24610DRBR
Gate and Power DriversUCC24610DRBT
Gate and Power DriversUCC25600DRG4
PWM and Resonant ControllersTL431AIDBVRE4
Voltage ReferencesTL431AIDBVRG4
Voltage ReferencesTL431AIDBVTG4
Voltage ReferencesTPS71550DCKRG4
Linear Regulators