STEVAL-ISA171V1, Evaluation Board based on the VIPER35HD 12V - 15W Quasi Resonant Flyback Converter

参考設計 著者: STMicroelectronics

STEVAL-ISA171V1, Evaluation Board based on the VIPER35HD 12V - 15W Quasi Resonant Flyback Converter

STEVAl-ISA171V1, Evaluation Board implements a 15W power supply designed in quasi resonant flyback topology for a wide-range AC input voltage. Its key features are its small size and minimal bill of material, high efficiency and low standby consumption. The core of the application is the VIPER35, the quasi-resonant offline high voltage converter from the VIPerPLUS product family. The VIPER35 integrates an 800 V rugged power MOSFET with PWM current-mode control. Extremely low consumption under no-load conditions is ensured thanks to burst mode operation that reduces the average switching frequency and minimizes all frequency-related losses. The VIPER35 operates in quasi resonant mode, a feature that helps to meet the EMI standards