PMP5863.4, Dual Rail (+/-),Ultra-Low Noise, High PSRR,LDOs (-15V @ 200mA)

参考設計 著者: Texas Instruments

PMP5863.4, Dual Rail (+/-),Ultra-Low Noise, High PSRR,LDOs (-15V @ 200mA)
PMP5863.4, Dual Rail (+/-),Ultra-Low Noise, High PSRR,LDOs (-15V @ 200mA). Negative-voltage TPS7A3001 LDO, when paired with the positive voltage TPS7A4901 LDO, provides designers with a total solution for powering precision analog applications. These LDOs feature ultra-high PSRR performance with output noise as low as 16 Vrms and are designed to power noise-sensitive applications such as Op-Amps, ADCs, DACs and other high-performance analog circuitry