PMP4854-2 using the TPS54620 DC/DC converter on one print. It accepts a 4.5V to 14V input and deliver 6-A at an output voltage of 3.3V while switching at 580 kHz. The PMP4854-2 is designed to minimize board space. The entire design occupies only 195 square millimeters and uses a 3.3 uH IHLP2525 inductor with only one 47uF 1206 ceramic output capacitor. The TPS54620 is a 4.5 to 17V, 6-A monolithic synchronous buck 1.6 MHz DC/DC converter with integrated 26 / 19 milliohm MOSFETs in a small 3.5mm x 3.5mm 14 pin QFN package