BQ24316EVM evaluation module is a complete charger module for evaluating a charger front-end protection and charger solution using the bq24316 and bq24080 devices

参考設計 著者: Texas Instruments

BQ24316EVM evaluation module is a complete charger module for evaluating a charger front-end protection and charger solution using the bq24316 and bq24080 devices

BQ24316EVM evaluation module is a complete charger module for evaluating a charger front-end protection and charger solution using the bq24316 and bq24080 devices. It is designed to deliver up to 700mA of charge current to Li-ion or Li-polymer applications. The charger front-end protection current is designed to 1000mA. The bq2431x protects the charging system against three types of failures: input overvoltage when the AC adapter fails to regulate its voltage, load overcurrent when failures such as a short circuit occur in the charging system, and battery overcharge