KNF NEUBERGER, INCDeskripsi: | PMP, VAC, Diaph, Ehnc, 2.5A, 210W, 230V, 60Hz |
Diperbarui:06-NOV-2024 | |
Lihat lebih banyak Diaphragm and Pinch Valves oleh KNF NEUBERGER, INC |
Versi online:https://www.datasheets.com/id/part-details/342002-342006-knf-neuberger--inc-1853851180
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Automation and Industrial Control > Motion Control and Fluid Power > Valves > Diaphragm and Pinch Valves
Automation and Industrial Control > Motion Control and Fluid Power > Valves > Diaphragm and Pinch Valves