EVB-USB2534BC, Evaluation Board for USB2534 4-Port USB 2.0 Hub with Battery Charging

Conception de référence par: Microchip Technology

EVB-USB2534BC, Evaluation Board for USB2534 4-Port USB 2.0 Hub with Battery Charging

EVB-USB2534BC, Evaluation Board is a 4-layer RoHS-compliant board that utilizes the USB2534 to provide a fully functional 4-port high-speed hub with battery charging capabilities. The USB2534 is pin compatible with the industry leading USB2514B USB 2.0 hub allowing simple migration of USB2512B designs. The USB2532 is configured for operation through internal default settings and supports custom configurations through the ProTouch and ProLink tools, and optionally through an external 2-Mbit SPI Flash socketable device. The EVB-USB2534BC demonstrates driver compatibility with Microsoft Windows 7, Windows XP, Mac OS X 10.4 and Linux hub drivers