DM240316, Motion Sensor Demo Board powered by a PIC24F MCU with on-board USB functionality

Conception de référence par: Microchip Technology

DM240316, Motion Sensor Demo Board powered by a PIC24F MCU with on-board USB functionality

DM240316, Motion Sensor Demo Board is powered by a PIC24F microcontroller with on-board USB functionality and includes an MRF24J40MA 2.4GHz wireless transceiver that sends data wirelessly to a ZENAT wireless adapter. The board integrates an MPU-6050 motion sensing chip from InvenSense. The MPU-6050 has a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer and uses sensor fusion technology to create a 3-D reference frame. Motion Sensor Demo Board allows you to easily add this breakthrough technology to your next gaming accessory, tablet PC, digital camera, robotic component or other consumer application