BeMicro CV, FPGA Development Board based on the 5CEFA2F23C8N Cyclone V E FPGA

Diseño de referencia por: Arrow Development Tools

BeMicro CV, FPGA Development Board based on the 5CEFA2F23C8N Cyclone V E FPGA

BeMicro CV, Cyclone V E FPGA Development Board features an Altera 28-nm Cyclone V FPGA in the familiar BeMicro form factor. The 5CEFA2F23C8N Cyclone V FPGA resident on the Be Micro CV features a hardened memory controller (HMC) that supports DDR2, DDR3 and LPDDR3. On the BeMicro CV the HMC is connected to a single 16-bit wide, 1Gb DDR3 SDRAM device