Audio Mezz, Audio Mezzanine Board is a Grove Interfaced Expansion Board intended for 96boards
參考設計 屬於: Seeed Technology Co.,Ltd

參考設計 屬於: Seeed Technology Co.,Ltd
Signal Buffers and RepeatersFT230XS-R
USB Interface ICsFT230XS-T
USB Interface ICsFT230XS-U
USB Interface ICsPCA9509DP
Signal Buffers and RepeatersPCA9509GM
Signal Buffers and RepeatersTXS0108EPWR
Level TranslatorsPCA9509D,112
Signal Buffers and RepeatersPCA9509D,118
Signal Buffers and RepeatersPCA9509DP/DG
Signal Buffers and RepeatersTXS0108ERGYR
Level TranslatorsTXS0108EZXYR
Level TranslatorsPCA9509DP,118
Signal Buffers and RepeatersPCA9509GM,125
Signal Buffers and RepeatersTXS0108EQPWRQ1
Level TranslatorsPCA9509DP/DG,118
Signal Buffers and Repeaters