DC2026C, Linduino One Isolated Arduino-Compatible Demonstration Board

参考设计 属于: Analog Devices

DC2026C, Linduino One Isolated Arduino-Compatible Demonstration Board

DC2026C, Linduino One Isolated Arduino-Compatible Demonstration Board. The DC2026 (called the Linduino One) is compatible with the Arduino Uno microcontroller board. Arduino hardware consists of an Atmel microcontroller with a bootloader allowing quick in-circuit firmware updates. The software is a simple programming environment based on the AVRGCC compiler. This platform is popular because it is easy to use, both the hardware and software are open source, and it can be programmed in C. We find it an ideal way to demonstrate and distribute libraries for integrated circuits that have digital interfaces such as Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) and Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)