SM72445EVM, SolarMagic Evaluation Module designed to demonstrate the operation of SM72445 MPPT Controller, DC/DC Converter

Projeto de referência por: Texas Instruments

SM72445EVM, SolarMagic Evaluation Module designed to demonstrate the operation of SM72445 MPPT Controller, DC/DC Converter

SM72445EVM, SolarMagic SM72445 Evaluation Board is based off of the SM3320-1A1 power optimizer, and shares all of its best-in-class power optimization features. This includes its ability to mitigate real-world mismatch, its 99.5% peak efficiency, and its Panel-Mode operation. In addition, the same ultra-low profile form factor of the original SM3320-1A1 is maintained so that it can be integrated into the same junction box designs. This Evaluation module is fully operational and can be used with panels from 15V up to 50V (absolute) operating voltage and up to 300W of power. Proper heat-sinking of the Power FETs must be achieved for power levels above 50W at room temperature