MCP3909EV-MCU16, ADC Evaluation Board for 16-Bit MCUs system provides the ability to evaluate the performance of the MCP3909 dual channel ADC

Projeto de referência por: Microchip Technology

MCP3909EV-MCU16, ADC Evaluation Board for 16-Bit MCUs system provides the ability to evaluate the performance of the MCP3909 dual channel ADC

MCP3909EV-MCU16, MCP3909 ADC Evaluation Board for 16-Bit MCUs system provides the ability to evaluate the performance of the MCP3909 dual channel ADC. It also provides a development platform for 16-bit PIC based applications, using existing 100-pin PIM systems compatible with the Explorer-16 and other high pin count PIC demo boards. The system comes with programmed PIC24FJ128GA010 and dsPIC33FJ256GP710 PIM modules that communicate both to on-board LCD and a LabView GUI for both in-circuit and PC signal processing

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