DEM-DSD1791 is an evaluation module for 192-kHz,24-bit stereo differential voltage output DAC DSD1791 family
Conception de référence par: Texas Instruments

Conception de référence par: Texas Instruments
Switch DIPDSS105
Switch DIPFT1D-2M
Switch ToggleFT2D-2M
Switch ToggleTORX179P
Fiber Optic TransceiversCS8414-CS
Transceivers MiscDSD1793DB
Digital to Analog Converters - DACsFT1D-2M-Z
Switch ToggleFT2D-2M-Z
Switch ToggleTORX179PL
Fiber Optic TransceiversCS8414-CSR
Transceivers MiscCS8414-CSZ
Transceivers MiscDSD1793DBR
Digital to Analog Converters - DACsTC74VHC14F
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersCS8414-CSZR
Transceivers MiscREG1117-3.3
Linear RegulatorsTC74HCT32AF
Logic GatesTC74VHC14FK
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersTC74VHC14FN
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersTC74VHC14FS
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersTC74VHC14FT
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersTC74VHC244F
Buffers and Line DriversTORX179P(F)
Fiber Optic TransceiversTC74HCT32AFN
Logic GatesTC74VHC244FK
Buffers and Line DriversTC74VHC244FS
Buffers and Line DriversTC74VHC244FT
Buffers and Line DriversTC74VHC244FW
Buffers and Line DriversTORX179PL(F)
Fiber Optic TransceiversREG1117-3.3G4
Linear RegulatorsTC74HCT32AFZN
Logic GatesTC74VHC14F(F)
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersREG1117-3.3-TR
Linear RegulatorsTC74HCT32AF(F)
Logic GatesTC74VHC14F(EL)
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersTC74VHC14FN(M)
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersTC74VHC14FS-EL
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersTC74VHC14FTELF
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersTC74VHC244F(F)
Buffers and Line DriversREG1117-3.3/2K5
Linear RegulatorsTC74HCT32AF(EL)
Logic GatesTC74HCT32AFN(M)
Logic GatesTC74VHC14F(K,F)
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersTC74VHC14F(K.F)
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersTC74VHC14FN-ELP
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersTC74VHC14FT(EL)
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersTC74VHC244F(EL)
Buffers and Line DriversTC74VHC244FS-EL
Buffers and Line DriversTC74VHC244FW(X)
Buffers and Line DriversTC74VHC14F(EL,F)
Inverters and Schmitt Triggers