CC2541DK-SENSOR, Development Kit based on CC2541 SensorTag Bluetooth Smart Used in Wireless Sensor Applications

參考設計 屬於: Texas Instruments

CC2541DK-SENSOR, Development Kit based on CC2541 SensorTag Bluetooth Smart Used in Wireless Sensor Applications

CC2541DK-SENSOR, Development Kit for the CC2541 SensorTag is the first Bluetooth Smart focused on wireless sensor applications and it is the only development kit targeted for SmartPhone app developers. The SensorTag can be used as reference design and development platform for a variety of SmartPhone accessories. The Bluetooth low energy app development easier and faster with the CC2541 based SensorTag, which has all the commonly used sensors on a single board for quick evaluation and demonstration. The SensorTag works with TPS62730 (step down converter) and includes TMP006 IR MEMS temperature sensor, humidity sensor, pressure sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. The versatility of the SensorTag means limitless app possibilities including those for health and fitness, medical, educational tools, toys, remote controls, mobile phone accessories, proximity and indoor locationing