ASME Fox 3, ASME FOX SoM (System On Module) Board based on D21 Ultra Low-Power MCU Using 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ Processor

Thiết kế tham khảo bởi: Arrow Development Tools

ASME Fox 3, ASME FOX SoM (System On Module) Board based on D21 Ultra Low-Power MCU Using 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ Processor
ASME Fox 3, Development Board describes SmartEverything FOX SoM (System On Module) based on D21 Ultra low-power microcontroller using the 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ processor. The SmartEverything FOX Board is supported by the Arduino IDE for a fast and easy software development cycle. The software can also be developed using the Studio IDE commonly preferred by professional software engineers