ADS8556EVM is designed for the prototyping and evaluation of the ADS8556 analog-to-digital converters (ADC)

Reference design by: Texas Instruments

ADS8556EVM is designed for the prototyping and evaluation of the ADS8556 analog-to-digital converters (ADC)

ADS8556EVM is designed for the prototyping and evaluation of the ADS8556 analog-to-digital converters (ADC). These 16/14/12-bit, capacitor-based, SAR/ADCs operate at a sampling rates up to 730kSPS. The EVM allows the use of optional dual channel buffer amplifiers U1, U5 and U6 to condition the input signals to the ADS855x device installed on the printed circuit board. The EVM is factory configured for parallel mode of operation and can be operated in serial mode by means of on-board switch SW1