ADA4817-1ARD-EBZ, Evaluation Board for ADA4817-1 Single, High Speed Operational Amplifiers in 8-Lead SOIC

Thiết kế tham khảo bởi: Analog Devices

ADA4817-1ARD-EBZ, Evaluation Board for ADA4817-1 Single, High Speed Operational Amplifiers in 8-Lead SOIC
ADA4817-1ARD-EBZ, Evaluation Board for ADA4817-1 Single, High Speed Operational Amplifiers in 8-Lead SOIC. The evaluation board is a BARE BOARD. There are no components or amplifiers soldered to the board. These parts must be obtained separately from the table below or on the product page. Free samples may also be requested. The unpopulated board enables users to quickly customize and prototype a variety of Op-Amp circuits, which minimizes risk and reduces time to market