UCD3138PFCEVM-026 Evaluation Module using UCD3138 Digital Power Factor Correction Pre-regulator
Reference design by: Texas Instruments

Reference design by: Texas Instruments
Common Mode Chokes - CMCsISO7221CD
Digital IsolatorsSFH6156-2
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersUCC27324D
Gate and Power DriversISO7221CDR
Digital IsolatorsPE-62917NL
Common Mode Chokes - CMCsSFH6156-2T
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersUCC27324DR
Gate and Power DriversUCC27324DG4
Gate and Power DriversUCC27324DGN
Gate and Power DriversUCD3138RGCR
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138RGCT
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138RHAR
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138RHAT
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138RJAR
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138RJAT
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138RMHR
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138RMHT
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsOPA350EA/250
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsSN75C3221DBR
Bus Line TransceiversUCC27324DGNR
Gate and Power DriversUCC27324DRG4
Gate and Power DriversUCC27517DBVR
Gate and Power DriversUCC27517DBVT
Gate and Power DriversUCD3138ARGCR
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138ARGCT
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138ARJAR
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138ARJAT
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138ARMHR
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138ARMHT
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsSFH6156-2X001
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersUCC27324DGNG4
Gate and Power DriversUCD3138128PFC
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138A64PFC
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsOPA350EA/250G4
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsSFH6156-2X001T
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersSN75C3221DBRE4
Bus Line TransceiversTLV1117-33IDCY
Linear RegulatorsUCC27324DGNRG4
Gate and Power DriversUCD3138064RGCR
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138064RGCT
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138064RGZR
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138064RGZT
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138064RMHR
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138064RMHT
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138128APFC
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138128PFCR
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsUCD3138A64PFCR
Power Supply Controllers and MonitorsTLV1117-33IDCYR
Linear RegulatorsUCD3138064ARGCR
Power Supply Controllers and Monitors