PMP8906, Isolated CCM Flyback producing 12V@10A
Reference design by: Texas Instruments

Reference design by: Texas Instruments
Temperature and Humidity SensorsTCMT1107
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersLM20CIM7X
Temperature and Humidity Sensors7446632001
Common Mode Chokes - CMCsLM20CIM7EP
Temperature and Humidity SensorsUCC3809D-2
PWM and Resonant ControllersLM2904AVQDR
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsTL431AIDBZR
Voltage ReferencesTL431AIDBZT
Voltage ReferencesUCC29002DGK
DC to DC ControllersLM20CIM7HALF
Temperature and Humidity SensorsLM2901AVQPWR
Linear ComparatorsUCC29002DGKR
DC to DC ControllersLM20CIM7/HAPB
Temperature and Humidity SensorsLM20CIM7/NOPB
Temperature and Humidity SensorsLM20CIM7XHALF
Temperature and Humidity SensorsLM2904AVQDRG4
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsLM2904AVQDRQ1
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsTL431AIDBZRG4
Voltage ReferencesTL431AIDBZTG4
Voltage ReferencesLM20CIM7X/NOPB
Temperature and Humidity SensorsLM2901AVQPWRG4
Linear ComparatorsLM2901AVQPWRQ1
Linear ComparatorsUCC29002DGKRG4
DC to DC ControllersLM20CIM7EP/NOPB
Temperature and Humidity SensorsLM2904AVQDRG4Q1
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsLM2901AVQPWRG4Q1
Linear Comparators