MAXREFDES24#, 4-Channel Analog Output Reference Design for Industrial Analog Current/Voltage Output Conditioners

参考设计 属于: Analog Devices

MAXREFDES24#, 4-Channel Analog Output Reference Design for Industrial Analog Current/Voltage Output Conditioners

MAXREFDES24#, Reference design features a scalable solution for multi-channel analog output modules. The configurable 4-channel design generates all typical bipolar current and voltage output ranges up to 24mA/12V with less than ±0.1% typical total unadjusted error (TUE). Integrated detection of power and cable faults provides the user with the necessary diagnostics for robust industrial control applications. A buffered MAX5134 four-channel, 16-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) generates the low voltage signals that drive the inputs of four MAX15500 signal conditioners (output drivers). A MAX6126 produces a precision voltage reference to the circuit for maximum performance over environmental conditions. The design also incorporates an isolated power supply circuit with a wide DC input range using a MAX17498B peak current-mode flyback controller