DC1740A-A, Demo Board featuring LTC3880EUJ PolyPhase Step-Down DC/DC Converter with Digital Power System Management, 7V VIN 14V, VOUT0: 0.5V to 4.1V @ 80A, PMBUs Controlled
참조 설계 작성자: Analog Devices

참조 설계 작성자: Analog Devices
Linear Regulators24LC025-I/ST
Linear RegulatorsLT1129CS8-5#TR
Linear RegulatorsLTC3880EUJ#PBF
DC to DC ControllersLT1129CS8-5#PBF
Linear RegulatorsLT1129CS8-3.3#TR
Linear RegulatorsLTC3880EUJ#TRPBF
DC to DC ControllersLTC3880EUJ-1#PBF
DC to DC ControllersLT1129CS8-3.3#PBF
Linear RegulatorsLT1129CS8-5#TRPBF
Linear RegulatorsLTC3880EUJ#TRMPBF
DC to DC ControllersLTC3880EUJ-1#TRPBF
DC to DC ControllersLT1129CS8-3.3#TRPBF
Linear RegulatorsLTC3880EUJ-1#TRMPBF
DC to DC Controllers