ARWSCBRD-XRS7004E, SpeedChip XRS7000E Reference Board based on ARWSC-XRS7004E Ethernet Switch supporting HSR & PRP

Reference design by: Arrow SpeedChips

ARWSCBRD-XRS7004E, SpeedChip XRS7000E Reference Board based on ARWSC-XRS7004E Ethernet Switch supporting HSR & PRP

ARWSCBRD-XRS7004E, SpeedChip XRS7000E Reference Board for the XRS7003 and XRS7004 are HSR and PRP (IEC 62439-3 Clause 5 & 4) enabled single-chip giga-bit Ethernet switches. XRS7003 can be employed in HSR and PRP End-nodes and XRS7004 in both End-Nodes and HSR and PRP Red-Boxes. A Quad-Box can be built using two XRS7004 devices