AD9780-EBZ, Evaluation Board using AD9780 Dual 12-Bit, LVDS Interface, 600 MSPS Digital to Analog Converter

Referans tasarım tarafından: Analog Devices

AD9780-EBZ, Evaluation Board using AD9780 Dual 12-Bit, LVDS Interface, 600 MSPS Digital to Analog Converter
AD9780-EBZ, Evaluation Board using AD9780 Dual 12-Bit, LVDS Interface, 600 MSPS Digital to Analog Converter. The device includes specific features for direct conversion transmit applications, including gain and offset compensation, and they interface seamlessly with analog quadrature modulators such as the ADL5370. A proprietary, dynamic output architecture permits synthesis of analog outputs even above Nyquist by shifting energy away from the fundamental and into the image frequency