VIPER17L demonstration board with wide-range input, 5 V / 1 A output and optimized standby performance

การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: STMicroelectronics

VIPER17L demonstration board with wide-range input, 5 V / 1 A output and optimized standby performance
VIPER17L demonstration board with wide-range input, 5 V / 1 A output and optimized standby performance. In consumer applications like LCD TVs, DVD players, set-top boxes and others, it is desirable to be able to switch on or switch off the application directly from the remote control. It is therefore necessary to supply the remote control receiver even when the equipment is not in use (standby mode). In standby mode only a minimum load (in the range of a few tens of a mW) is present at the power supply output