USB-SDP-CABLEZ, Serial Interface Board provides USB Connectivity, USB 2.0 High Speed Connection to the Computer
การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Analog Devices
USB-SDP-CABLEZ, Serial Interface Board is primarily used to communicate with certain evaluation boards to support customer evaluation. It can also be used by customers to communicate with supported components on their own board, using evaluation software to facilitate in-system debugging and programming as required during product development. The primary audience for this user guide is the system engineer. This describes how to set up the USB-SDP-CABLEZ board and begin USB communications to the PC. The USB-SDP-CABLEZ provides USB connectivity through a USB 2.0 high speed connection to the computer, allowing users to evaluate components from a PC application. The USB-SDPCABLEZ is based on a USB-to-serial engine, which has I2C, SPI, and GPIO lines available, with a small 10-pin connector