TS9001DB, Demo Board based on TS9001 Comparator

การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Silicon Labs

TS9001DB, Demo Board based on TS9001 Comparator

TS9001DB, Demo Board is a completely assembled and tested circuit board that can be used for evaluating either or both analog comparators. The TS9001-1 and TS9001-2 are analog comparator products in the NanoWatt Analog high-performance analog integrated circuits portfolio. The TS9001-1 and TS9001-2 circuits are AC-coupled at the input and are configured to operate with a 3.3V single voltage supply. For evaluating each circuit at a different supply voltage, the values of resistors R5 and R5B need to be changed. Each circuit has a dedicated supply test point, and both circuits can be evaluated simultaneously or individually