TPS51116EVM evaluation module (EVM) is a dual-output converter for DDR and DDRII memory modules
การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Texas Instruments
TPS51116EVM evaluation module (EVM) is a dual-output converter for DDR and DDRII memory modules. It uses a 10A synchronous buck converter to provide the core voltage (VDDQ) for DDR memory modules. The EVM is designed to use a 4.5V to 28V supply voltage and a 4.75V to 5.25V controller bias supply. This allows the EVM to start up from a single 5V supply or operate from a wide range of supply voltages with low power 5V bias supply. The TPS51116EVM provides several jumpers and switches to allow the user to evaluate all of the TPS51116's configurations including lossless RDS(on) or resistive current sensing, current mode or D-CAP semi-hysteretic operation, DDR or DDRII voltage standards and the S3andS5 sleep states