TLV320AIC3111EVM-K, Evaluation Board using TLV320AIC3111, 16-Bit Low-Power Audio Codec
การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Texas Instruments
TLV320AIC3111EVM-K, is a complete Evaluation Kit for the TLV320AIC3111 audio codec. The kit includes a TLV320AIC3111EVM, and a USB-based motherboard (USB-MODEVM). The TLV320AIC3111EVM-K software, the AIC3111 CS, is an intuitive, easy-to-use, powerful tool to learn, evaluate and control the TLV320AIC3111. The TLV320AIC3111EVM-K connects to a USB port of a PC. The USB interface provides power, control and streaming audio data to the EVM