TIPD168, Three 12-Bit Data Acquisition Reference Designs Optimized for Low Power and Ultra-Small form Factor
การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Texas Instruments
TIPD168, Three 12-Bit Data Acquisition Reference Designs Optimized for Low Power and Ultra-Small form Factor. This Verified Precision Design details the design procedure, simulated results, and showcases the actual performance of a 12-bit discrete data acquisition block using the ADS7042, optimized for extremely low power, small form factor applications for the following three different optimizations of 12 bit, 500 ksps optimized for current monitoring, battery monitoring, electromyography (EMG), skin impedance, and wearable fitness. 12 bit, 1Msps optimized for hard disc drives, motor control, motor encoders, optical encoders, and optical modules